*UPDATED 08/19/2022

Hello from LHNBEAUTY,

While 2020 is now 2 years ago we do still uphold the policies below regarding reschedules.

  1. Any wedding that cannot legally take place due to a complete state shutdown, may reschedule their wedding to a new date at no fee and the original $300 retainer will be transferred to a new date - subject to availability. This does not apply if we are legally able to hold a ceremony but not a reception, as we are legally able to still provide services for your wedding if this is the case.

  2. Any wedding rescheduling because of other reasons, may do so by paying $100 to book a new date - subject to availability.

  3. Any wedding rescheduling to a new year understands that a rate change may occur, and will be applied towards their wedding total.

  4. All of the above are applied towards first reschedules only. If a second reschedule should occur, a new retainer of $300 will be required.

Please remember that your retainer does go towards your wedding day total and with this new policy you will only be forfeiting $100 due if doing a reschedule.

In addition to the above, here are our guidelines for on-site day of services as follows:

  1. Any food and drinks are to NOT share the same space/table/section as to where the artists’ are setting up to do hair and makeup.

  2. Masks are optional for both client and artists.

  3. Any person exhibiting symptoms that is causing an artist to feel uncomfortable or unsafe to provide services, the artist does reserve the right to refuse service due to our contract clause, “APPROPRIATE CONDUCT/SAFE WORKING ENVIRONMENT.”

I encourage you to make sure that your bridal party is also aware of our guidelines above, especially the “APPROPRIATE CONDUCT/SAFE WORKING ENVIRONMENT” clause from our contract.

We genuinely appreciate you, your friends, and your family following these above guidelines. All of us here at LHNBEAUTY want to continue working to serve as many people as we can, on one of the most special days of someone’s life. These guidelines are set so we are able to personally feel safe, to keep our future clients safe, and to continue working on a bride’s wedding day.

Thank you so much for your continuing support and understanding ❤️
Please email us if you have any questions about anything.

Lisa Seppelt
owner of LHNBEAUTY